Sales wallpaper custom made
If you have chosen a beautiful wallpaper, you can easily order it online. Click on the photo and enter the dimensions of your wall. Select with your finger or mouse which part of the image you want to have printed. You can have an image mirrored or made black and white.
All around, we standard print 5 cm extra because walls are not always straight. The photo wallpaper will be printed 10 cm wider and higher. After wallpapering, you have to cut it away. Uncheck this option to have the wallpaper printed precisely to size.
Check 'Show lanes' to see into how many jobs your wallpaper will be cut. By default, this is between 60 and 80 cm. For an additional fee, you can choose for bigger strokes. This price is higher because the transport and packaging prices are higher for bigger packaging.
Involve your employees in the design of the working environment. Let your employees choose wallpaper in the sales department. What inspires and motivates people? Maybe you work with walls between the desks at work. Let employees pick their print for this. They certainly feel at home. Create an environment where employees are at their best, let them feel at ease so that they feel motivated and sell more!
Let employees pick their print for this. They certainly feel at home. Create an environment where employees are at their best, let them feel at ease so that they feel motivated and sell more!
Own production and fast delivery
We print photo wallpaper in one piece on large format printers. Patterns always run seamlessly into each other.
As wallpaper, we only use PVC-free non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven wallpaper does not shrink; it gives a razor-sharp print and is easy to apply. The inks used are water-based and odourless.