We recommend adding 10cm to the height and width to ensure sufficient space for cutting and margin when applying.
Surface area:m²
Step 1/0
Estimated delivery:
1 March - 4 March.
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The expected delivery is an estimate and may change. We also offer rush delivery.
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Try it at home!
Want to preview this wallpaper on your wall in your room? Use our virtual tool to show your chosen wallpaper in your room. Very simple! Press the "Try it on your wall!" button. Then take a picture of your wall and we will project the photo wallpaper on your wall. This way, you will get a good impression of your new wall.
Fog in heathland
Panorama photo of a misty morning in a beautiful heathland with reflective water
Extremely clear details
Not just any ordinary photos, but art, with more than 100 MegaPixels! Printed and custom-made for your wall. Details you want to touch, feel and discover....
Discover the details of this wallpaper by enlarging the detail photos. This way you will experience what your new photo wallpaper looks like in detail. The photos of the Premium Wallexclusive collection are shot in the highest resolution and can therefore be used on large walls with a length of almost 10 metres!